Edward C. Witt

Edward C. Witt (1891 – 1924), son of Joseph & Anna (Stephany) Witt.

Categorized as Witt

Eggerson Family Crest

The ancestors of the bearers of the Eggerson family name are thought to have lived in ancient Anglo-Saxon England. They were first found in Egerton, in the county of Cheshire. It is now called Egerton Green. The place-name is derived from the Old English person name Ecghere and tun a word which meant enclosure, farm… Continue reading Eggerson Family Crest

Categorized as Eggerson

Eggerson Suspended

The American Jockey, 1865-1910 Scholars have largely neglected the history of thoroughbred racing in the United States even though it was among the most important American sports. Furthermore, horse-racing was the first major sport in the American colonies, with racecourses in New York, Charles Town, Annapolis and Williamsburg by the mid-eighteenth century, even before the introduction… Continue reading Eggerson Suspended

Categorized as Eggerson

Knud Eggarson

I am ninety-five percent sure the Arther Eggarson listed on the below census sheet image is our Arthur Eggerson, 1880, seven months old; living in Chicago with his mother and father, Knud & Joanna Eggarson.  Most likely at a very young age, he probably moved with both of his parents to Mississippi. I am thinking… Continue reading Knud Eggarson

Categorized as Eggerson

Harriett Brew

Thank you to my 3rd cousin, Diane Wood, for sharing this photo of my grandmother with me! ♥  . . .  Early 20s.