Michael, Anna Louise, Harriette and Frank Brew with Edward Witt. Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois.
Month: May 2021
Edward C. Witt
Edward C. Witt (1891 – 1924), son of Joseph & Anna (Stephany) Witt.
Mrs. Cleveland’s Sherbet
Mrs. Cleveland’s recipe for Session Sherbet. —The Atlanta Constitution, 27 Jan 1897, Wed, Page 7
Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes
Mrs. Hayes’ Recipe for Strawberry Shortcake. —The Indianapolis News, 12 May 1894, Sat, Page 10
Eggerson Family Crest
The ancestors of the bearers of the Eggerson family name are thought to have lived in ancient Anglo-Saxon England. They were first found in Egerton, in the county of Cheshire. It is now called Egerton Green. The place-name is derived from the Old English person name Ecghere and tun a word which meant enclosure, farm… Continue reading Eggerson Family Crest
Eggerson Suspended
The American Jockey, 1865-1910 Scholars have largely neglected the history of thoroughbred racing in the United States even though it was among the most important American sports. Furthermore, horse-racing was the first major sport in the American colonies, with racecourses in New York, Charles Town, Annapolis and Williamsburg by the mid-eighteenth century, even before the introduction… Continue reading Eggerson Suspended
Knud Eggarson
I am ninety-five percent sure the Arther Eggarson listed on the below census sheet image is our Arthur Eggerson, 1880, seven months old; living in Chicago with his mother and father, Knud & Joanna Eggarson. Most likely at a very young age, he probably moved with both of his parents to Mississippi. I am thinking… Continue reading Knud Eggarson
Republican Convention, 1920
See: https://cousinharriet.com/harriette-brew/
Harriett Brew
Thank you to my 3rd cousin, Diane Wood, for sharing this photo of my grandmother with me! ♥ . . . Early 20s.
Clint Eastwood’s…
Clint Eastwood’s Enforcer Prime Ribs of Beef. —The Journal News, 30 Jan 1977, Sun, Page 14