Harriette Brew

Grandmother…Images scanned by my cousin Kathy Kordyak, found in her mother’s, Doloris (Phillips) Fiorino, scrapbook.

George Washington

“To Make Small Beer Take a large Sifter full of Bran Hops to your Taste — Boil these 3 hours. Then strain out 30 Gall. into a Cooler put in 3 Gallons Molasses while the Beer is scalding hot or rather drain the molasses into the Cooler. Strain the Beer on it while boiling hot… Continue reading George Washington

Daniel Webster Punch

Two dozen lemons, strained; two pounds of sugar, one-half pint green tea, strained; one quart best brandy, three quarts claret; bottle and keep over night. Then add champagne to suit the taste, strawberries bananas, oranges, cherries, pineapple and any fruit desired. Serve in punch-bowl with ice. Washington, In Jackson’s Time: A Custom Handed Down —… Continue reading Daniel Webster Punch

Yankee Origins

Yankee Origins. . . The White Man comes, pale as the dawn, with a load of thought, with a slumbering intelligence as a fire raked up, knowing well what he knows, not guessing but calculating; strong in community, yielding obedience to authority; of experienced race; of wonderful, wonderful common sense; dull but capable, slow but… Continue reading Yankee Origins

Categorized as History

Make Mine Freedom

“This is one of a series of films produced by the Extension Department of Harding Collage to create a deeper understanding of what has made America the finest place in the world to live.” —1946 (Anti Communist Propaganda)

Bob Hope

Bob Hope — Recipes on the Lamb. —The Palm Beach Post, 15 Feb 1973, Thu, Page 92 Image: Gerard Forken/STARS AND STRIPES more»