Far Far Away

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic… Continue reading Far Far Away

Sarah Mercer Oates & Gala

A History of Muhlenberg Countyby Otto Arthur Rothert X, The Pond River Country 7. The first wife of Major Jesse Oates was, according to a vague family tradition, a Miss Caraway, sister of a Captain John Caraway. His second wife was Zilpah Mason, to whom he was married April 13, 1798, and who died October… Continue reading Sarah Mercer Oates & Gala

Categorized as Matheny

William Eli Matheny

On Oct 24, 1884, Eli purchased his home place, 50 Acres from Reason Cash, for $150.00. In 1907 he purchased another 60 acres. This land was located near Pond River. Descendants of William Eli Matheny Generation 2 1. WILLIAM ELI2 MATHENY1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Ansel1) was born on February 22, 1859 in Christian… Continue reading William Eli Matheny

Ansel Matheny

Ansel and his family moved to Muhlenberg County from Christian County, Kentucky after the Civil War. He owned a 50 acre farm, which was sold at his death to G. Eaves, his family continued to live on the farm. . . Descendants of Ansel Matheny Generation 1 1. ANSEL1 MATHENY1, 2, 3, 4, 5 was born in… Continue reading Ansel Matheny

Categorized as Matheny

Kentucky Abandoned

In Search of Kentucky Abandoned In this episode, the “Kentucky Life” crew searches for “Abandoned Kentucky.” In Muhlenberg County, the ruins of an 1850′s iron furnace are all that remain of Old Airdrie; the town of Beauty, in Martin County, stands on the site of what once was the Hungarian community of Himlerville; photographer Sherman… Continue reading Kentucky Abandoned

Jarvis Family Crest

Jarvis is a name that was brought to England by the ancestors of the Jarvis family when they emigrated following the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name Jarvis come from the Norman personal name Gervase. The surname Gervais indicates that the bearer is a descendant of someone named Gervase.

Categorized as Jarvis

Edward Jarvis, Soldier

Edward Jarvis & Mary Forrester JarvisNC File W.7871, Series M805, Roll 468, Image 241, 11 pages Soldier’s Title Sheet Edward Jarvis of Muhlenberg in the state of Kentucky who was a Private in the comp. commanded by Captain Welch of the regt. commanded by Col.  Folson in the N. Carolina line for 1 years &… Continue reading Edward Jarvis, Soldier