Ten years ago, and twenty plus years after reading Otto A. Rothert’s book, A History of
Muhlenberg County, I happened upon information shared on the Muhlenberg County KyGenWeb Project that helped me with my family history research. I learned that an ancestor of mine was indeed mentioned in Mr. Rothert’s book…
- Edward Jarvis (1763-1836) of North Carolina and Kentucky –Written by and contributed by Frances R. Nelson Salyers
- Edward Jarvis Pension Images
- Muhlenberg County KYGenWeb Project
1 John Jarvis
……2 Edward Jarvis
………3 Nancy Jane Jarvis
…………4 Eliza Jane Spinks
……………5 Della Cash
………………6 James Hanson Tyson
XVIII, Isaac Bard (MUHL CO, A History of) “. . . These were the causes of the last British War … and this was why Judge McLean, Ephraim Brank, Edward Jarvis, Mike Severs, Joseph McCown, John Shelton, Isaiah Hancock and others of Muhlenberg fought the British. It is said that Ephraim Brank and Edward Jarvis mounted the breastworks and there fired into the British army, as they marched up, as fast as their friends could load the rifles for them. I see it stated lately in a highly respectable paper that Mr. Brank brought down several British officers in their march up to our breastworks at the battle below New Orleans.”