January 10 – 1917
On this day I’m Here at Home just little Hallie and myself and am so lonely I pray that There is a brighter future for The past yr. my Troubles Have Been so great I couldn’t Hardly Endure Them. But by The Help of the Lord I’m Trying to be Happy. But all The while there are some people trying to drag me down beneath any one’s notice. There are others who sympathise altho I’ve no Protection Here I no Jesus is a friend To all and He being my only Helper, with him I’ll endure all.
Gala Matheny
Aug 30, 1950
Sitting alone in this wonderful Smog of Calif would rather be in my Native Land the Blue Grass State just this side of the Big Rock Candy Mt. Lord keep me well & in good faith that some sweet day not so far away I’ll be there.
Lonesome Girl From the Hills of Ky G.L.T
♥ Personal notes written on blank pages inside of her bible.