Author: andurZen
Irish Coffee
Cream: Rich as an Irish brogue Coffee: Strong as a friendly hand Sugar: Sweet as the tongue of a rogue Whiskey: Smooth as the wit of the land Heat a stemmed whiskey goblet. Pour in one shot of Irish whiskey — the only whiskey with the smooth taste and full body to make this beverage… Continue reading Irish Coffee
Irish Recipes
Chef Offers Irish Recipes… —March 17, 1958 – New York, The Troy Record Ireland: Cider is a popular drink in Ireland; for a long time cider production was officially encouraged and supported by a preferential tax treatment. A single cider, Bulmers, dominates sales in Ireland: Owned by C&C and produced in Clonmel, County Tipperary, this… Continue reading Irish Recipes
John Phillips
Descendants of John Phillips Generation 1 1. JOHN1 PHILLIPS1 was born about Abt. 1816 in Ireland1. He died on probably-Bef. 1860 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. He married BRIDGET UNKNOWN. She was born about Abt. 1806 in Ireland1,2. John Phillips and Bridget Unknown had the following children: i. PETER HENRY2 PHILLIPS3, 4, 5, 6, 7… Continue reading John Phillips
Prairie du Chien, 1870
My second great grandparents, Peter Henry Phillips and his wife Rose Anna Garvey, moved to Prairie du Chien, Crawford County, Wisconsin sometime after their marriage on January 04, 1861 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Their son George Phillips was born September 09, 1875 in Wisconsin and is listed with his parents on 1880’s US Census… Continue reading Prairie du Chien, 1870
Cleveland, Ohio, 1861
Image source:
Finding Irish in Ohio
Finding Irish in Ohio, by Joe Buggy Traveling by ship to Canada and then making their way to the U.S. Midwest via the Great Lakes is an often overlooked route that countless Irish emigrants took to that part of the country. One of the states that benefited from this migration was Ohio (OH). . .… Continue reading Finding Irish in Ohio
Paddy on the Railway
Joan Crawford’s Party…
Joan Crawford’s Party Meat Loaf. —The Decatur Daily Review, 06 Jan 1971, Wed, Page 25
Bette Davis
Bette Davis’ Boiled Tongue, New England & Mustard Gelatin Ring Recipes. —Florida Today, 14 Apr 1977, Thu, Page 3E