Absalom Price – Last Will and Testament (Supreme Court Case #2207, North Carolina Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina)
In the name of God Amen, I Absalom Price of the State of North Carolina and the County Greene, being very weak in body but of Sound mind & memory do make this Intrument of writing to contain my last will and Testament and as to Such wordly goods as my Blessed God, hath given me in this life, I do give and dispose of them in the following manner to wit first all of I bequeath to my well beloved wife Elizabeth one Negro Boy named Tom, one Sorrel Mare and both Bridle and Saddle one half of my Cattle hoggs and Sheep one Feather Bed and furniture all the Pewter and Earthen and glass ware about my House one Case and 12 Bottles three chairs two hoes one club ax two plos half of my cider cashs ?? one chest
(Secondly) I lend to her during her life or widowhood the upper part of my plantation from the Barrs next to the Swamp as the path runs to the wood the House wherein I Now live with the Shead joining it and piaza and my corn crib one Negro woman Named rose, half the produce of my old orchard and the Mill to grind it in and my Still to distill it in and I also lend her the Bed and furniture whereon I commonly lie during the above Term
Item. I lend my Daughter Rhoday Folkes during her natural Life one negro woman Named Penelope with her Increse and one ngro boy called Cylas and my desire is that after the Death of my daughter Rhoday that the said above lent Negros be Equally divided between the children that my Said Daughter now has or may have hereafter then after the Death or marriage of my wife, I give to my Daughter Rhoday the bed which I lent to my wife
Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Enoch one fourth part of my waring aparrell and ninty nine Dollars when Collected from Joshua Thigpen Junr
Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Thomas one Negro boy named Mingo and one fourth part of my wearing aparrel
Item. I give and Bequeath to my son William what money is due me from Isaac Minshew Junr when Jacob Minshew is paid for the bay Mare I bought of him. I also give him the Mare and the cow and yearling I bought of David Peelle and one fourth part of my cloathing and the Plantation where on he now lives bounded by the Mill pond, the old Road and a fence leading to a Branch issusing ??? out of the Bell Branch part of the Mill pond and one fourth part of my Piny wood land
Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Absolom the Plantation I now live on with all the land joining it which is not already Devided and one fourth part of my piny woods land one half of Cattle hoggs and Sheep one two year old horse called March, one Negro girl named Free Love and her increase and my still one half of the cyder cash and hoggs sheads and my tools of Every kind and all the axes hoes and plows which I have not give to my wife my Cyder Mill and Barn and the addetion Standing at the northwest end of my House with the plank belonging to it and one Chest the Round Table Bofet and hand mill after the death or marriage of my wife I also give him my Iron wedges and Frow my Loom and Slays and hernesses and pot Iron may be used by my wife and Son as need my Son??. Require, my desire is that a wolling wheel be purchased out of my estate for my Son Absalom and my woolen wheel and linnen Ditto I give to my wife and Cards
And my desire is that after the death or marriage of my wife my Negro woman Rose and her Increase which is not yet Disposed of be Equally divided between my four Sons Enoch Thomas William and Absalom, my desire is that my Son Absalom have my Saddle and bridle and lastly, I nominate my two Sons Thomas and Absalom Executors to this my last will and Testament dis anuloing any and all other wills by me made.
Ratifying and Confirming this and this only to be my last will and Testament in Testimony whereof I hereunto have Set my Seal affixed this nineteenth day of October 1801
Signed Sealed published and declared by the testator to be his last will Testament Absalom Price In presence of Sam Speight Junr Arthur Speight
State of North Carolina Greene County Feby Term 1802 Then was the within Last will & Testament of Absalom Price Senr Exhibited into Court & proved by Samuel Speight Junr & Arthur Speight the two Subscribing witnesses whereto ordered to be Recorded & letters Testamentory issued J Hooker, CC
True Copy made 10 Feb 1812 J. Hooker, CC
Transcribed by Martha Mewborn Marble from a copy of the original will found in Supreme Court Case #2207, North Carolina Archives, Raleigh, NC. (@USGenWeb, 2005 …hca)